MN 73282

This quality frame is in for a lot of TLC as you can clearly see. Reynolds 531DB tubing on a mix Prugnat short and long spearpoint S4 Lugs on the headtube.

Full wrapover seatstays with white double fishtail motif, straight chainstay bridge and certainly a reinforced curved seatstay bridge prior to its removal when looking at its footprint on the stays. There is a rear seatstay centrepull brake bridge. The half chromed forks are for a racing frame as there is little relief, no mudguard eyes and a full sloping fork crown, probably by Milremo. That combined with the seemingly parallel build seem to confirm this is primarily for road and time trial work and the mudguard and carrier eyes appear as an oddity or afterthought.

Braze ons

There are or were the following braze ons – shifter bosses for front and rear derailleurs with BB mounted guides and offside chainstay stop. A pair of bottle bosses on the down tube and rear brake guides and bosses on the top tube offside at 4 o’clock and mudguard and carrier eyes as described above on the rear drop-outs which look like Gippieme.

The finish

A classic MN finish in pale blue flamboyant enamel with ivory panels on head and seat tube with their Durban Road flag and shield transfers, white black edged gothic script on down tube, world champion bands, white topeye motifs and red, gold and dark blue luglining.

It will be nice to see her back on the road.

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